Alekhine played the 5.Qe2 variation of the Ruy Lopez vs. Teichmann, and the game was agreed drawn in 30 moves.
Marshall won the exchange vs. Leonhardt, but saw his King compelled to remain in the center of the board, unable to castle.

Salwe and Dus-Chotimirsky, in a Queen's Pawn Game, reached a level Rook and Bishop endgame after 32 moves, and agreed to share the point.
Schlechter defeated Kohnlein in a Ruy Lopez in only 26 moves. White's attack, featuring the sacrifice of two pieces, was as convincing as it was swift.

Yates vs. Niemzowitsch saw a Caro-Kann Defense in which Black, after having neutralized White's play on the King's side, slowly built up an attack against White's castled position on the other flank. Niemzowitsch won two pawns through continued pressure, and soon thereafter scored the game.
Dr. Tarrasch, who seems to be coming into form, turned in another vintage performance vs. John.

We again present two feature games today. The witty Tartakower attempted to turn the tables on Spielmann by playing the Evans Gambit, the same opening the Austrian had adopted in the previous round. Black chose a well-known method of returning the pawn; indeed, after 14.Qxd3 Bilguer's Handbuch evaluates the position as favorable for White, an assessment with which Spielmann does not concur. A further pawn sacrifice by Black led to an extraordinarily lively endgame. For a while, beginning at approximately the thirtieth move, both opponents appeared to be playing for mate simultaneously. Spielmann ultimately won a piece, but the resulting position, owing to a number of factors, e.g. the presence of Bishops of opposite color on the board, the two extra White pawns, one of those a passed a-pawn, and the fact that but a single Black pawn remained, was by no means an easy win. Spielmann nevertheless succeeded in realizing his advantage; in the final position, White's g-pawn will soon fall. Here now the game in full:
Finally, we come to Forgacs vs. Duras, in which the Hungarian defeated the Czech Master in excellent style. The game has been suggested as a candidate for the brilliancy prize, although the analysts have already found in it a few minor flaws. To cite but two examples, Black's 34...Kg7 could well have been replaced by 34...Kg8, as the King's position on the long diagonal facilitates White's 36.Rge3. White, in turn, might better have chosen 41.g6 in preference to 41.h8=Q. In that case, the White passed pawns would soon have cost Black both his Rooks rather than "merely" one. But these are cavils, and we are certain that all true lovers of our game will take delight in this masterpiece, and most especially in White's 37th, 38th, and 39th moves, when Forgacs leaves first his Rook, and then, for two moves running, his Queen to be taken, all with the object of prosecuting the attack through the advance of his pawns on the King's side.
Speyer had the bye.
Scores after Round 10: Schlechter, Niemzowitsch* 7; Duras*, Spielmann* 6 1/2; Dus-Chotimirsky* 6; Marshall 5 1/2; Teichmann*, Leonhardt* 5; Tartakower, Salwe, Alekhine, Forgacs 4 1/2; Dr. Tarrasch 4; Speyer 3 1/2; Kohnlein* 3; John 2 1/2; Yates 1/2.
Those players whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) have not yet had the bye, and thus have played an extra game.
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