Teichmann, playing White against Duras's Open Defense to the Ruy Lopez, spurned a draw via repetition of position, and later came to grief.

The finish of Alekhine's game vs. Leonhardt was even more striking. The Russian, by his own admission, misplayed the White side of a Queen's Gambit Declined, and after 25...Bb7 he found his Knight trapped on e7.

The game Tarrasch vs. Niemzowitsch saw Black win a pawn in the opening and then ultimately realize his advantage in a long Knight vs. Bishop endgame.
Salwe vs. Schlechter was a Queen's Pawn Game drawn rather quietly in 31 moves.
Dus-Chotimirsky sacrificed a piece for four pawns on the Black side of a Four Knights' Game vs. Yates. Some moves later, this game offered the unusual material balance of Rook and five pawns against two Bishops. Yates put up a heroic resistance, but in the end could not stem the tide of the Black pawns' advance, and was forced to resign.
Marshall defeated Jacob in a Queen's Gambit Declined by means of a petite combinaison.

Tartakower essayed the unusual opening 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 vs Speyer, and achieved victory when his opponent committed an error that allowed White to break through on the King's side at the 30th move.
Need we say that John's game presented yet another case of changing fortune and missed opportunity? As White against Spielmann in a Queen's Pawn Game, The German Master faced this position after 37...exd4.

Forgacs defeated Kohnlein in 25 moves in a Queen's Pawn Game notable for the sudden manner in which White's heavy pieces gathered in the vicinity of Black's castled King. We offer that game below for the enjoyment of our readers.
Scores after 6 rounds: Schlechter 5; Niemzowitsch, Duras, Marshall 4; Salwe, Forgacs, Dus-Chotimirsky, Alekhine, Tartakower 3 1/2; Teichmann, Spielmann 3; John, Kohnlein 2 1/2; Leonhardt, Speyer 2; Tarrasch, Jacob, Yates 1 1/2. Tomorrow is a rest day.
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