Our ongoing coverage of the All-Russian Masters' tourney at St. Petersburg has of necessity crowded out other news from the world of chess, a deficit that we hope to make good in due time. For the present we spare one day for mention of an event taking place much closer to home, the annual Championship tournament of the Boston Chess Club. Although last year's Boston Club Champion, Harold L. Perrin, appears not to have entered the lists on this occasion, several players of notable strength are to be found among the eight competitors in this round-robin event, including B.F. Winkelman, who held down first board for Harvard at the recent "C.H.Y.P." intercollegiate tourney, as well as Harlow B. Daly and Godfrey L. Cabot, participants along with Perrin in last year's Boston Club Championship play-off. Messrs. Daniel, Miller, Howe, Christensen, and Statham comprise the remainder of the field.
We understand that Daly has begun the tourney in good form, and present a victory over Winkelman achieved by the Dorchester native on the 3rd inst. Black goes astray in an endgame of Rook and pawn vs. Rook; our friend Prof. Malinov informs us that 57...Rh1+ represents the losing move, with either 57...Rb6+ or 57...Rb8 being sufficient to draw.
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