Tuesday, November 19

Capablanca celebrates 25th birthday

We note that today is the 25th birthday of José R. Capablanca, and therefore we take this opportunity, on behalf of ourselves and our readers, to wish our young friend a most felicitous celebration of the day.  The Cuban maestro, currently testing his strength against many of Europe's best players on his continental tour, has accomplished a great deal in his first quarter-century of life, and will doubtless achieve even more in the years to come.  We recall when Dr. Lasker, then an ambitious young Master, observed his own 25th birthday here in America almost exactly 20 years ago; Lasker has since grown into a Champion of towering strength, and Capablanca now bids fair to do the same.  May he develop his remarkable talent to the full, and so continue to enrich and adorn the chess world with brilliant examples of his unique artistry for many years to come.   

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