Thursday, November 7

Captain of doomed Zeppelin airship was strong chess player; defeated Dr. Lasker at simultaneous exhibition last year

In a sad footnote to the widely-reported tragedy of the Zeppelin dirigible airship "L-2", which crashed in a ball of flame during its test flight at Johannisthal on the 17th ult. with the loss of all aboard, we have learned that the commander of the craft, Captain Max Behnisch, was an accomplished amateur chess player and well-respected member of the Berliner Schachgesellschaft.  Captain Behnisch, one of  the stronger members of that club, was the only one of thirty opponents to defeat the World Champion, Dr. Lasker, during a simultaneous exhibition given by the latter at Berlin in November of last year.  We understand that the Champion thought highly of his opponent's play on that occasion and that the game, which appeared in various journals, was likewise praised in annotations by Mr. Gunsberg, among others.

We reproduce below the score of the victory by Captain Behnisch over the Champion in the hope that it will serve as a small memorial to a fellow player taken from our world of chess far too soon.


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