Wednesday, April 17

Remarkable pawn endgame

We present a victory scored by Herr Edward Lasker over Mr. Ward in the finals of the City of London Chess Club Championship, a fascinating struggle featuring a pawn endgame in which the scant material remaining on the board belies the hidden complexity of the position.  Indeed, in our opinion this endgame could well pass for a composed study.  In such circumstances, it is hardly to be wondered at that neither the play nor the winner's notes lack flaws, and we have supplemented Herr Lasker's commentary with the analysis of a group of strong players from our club, endgame aficionados all, who subjected the game to a most detailed examination in the search for truth.  That so apparently simple a position can require so much brain-power to unravel its secrets is perhaps the best evidence we can present of the endless complexity of chess.

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