Tuesday, May 14

Correspondence games, continued: Sacrifice and struggle

Our files contain such a large number of interesting games played by correspondence that we fear we shall never find time to present them all, especially as more continue to arrive with regularity, and other events in the chess world clamor for deserved editorial attention.  Still, today we take the opportunity to present two fine efforts from across the sea.  In the first, played in the recent British Chess Magazine correspondence tourney, Mr. Erskine enjoys the pleasure of announcing a pretty mate in 5 against Mr. Cole.  We invite our readers to ponder the position after Black's 21...Kxh7, given below, and to work out the mate for themselves, as an exercise.


Our second offering, played in a team tourney between squads from Lincolnshire and Norfolk, is a full-blooded, uncompromising struggle, a not uncommon occurrence in such events: the knowledge that one's own result will affect the fate of others often inspires a player to give his all.  We congratulate both participants on a fight well fought.  Notes, as in the previous game, based on those by Mr. Blackburne.



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