In recent days Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch contested three games against consulting partners at the Hamburg Chess Club, the Master's first stop on a tour that will take him north to fulfill several engagements in Sweden. On the 17th inst. the doctor, playing Black, drew a short but spirited game against Herren Bier and Dimer. On the 19th he played two games simultaneously, one with White and one with Black, winning both through a fine display of endgame skill, the consulting teams being Herren Crüsemann and Kluxen on one board and Herren Hallgarten and von Groningen on the other. We present all three games below.
Here Bier and Dimer sacrifice the exchange against their illustrious guest and develop a dangerous initiative which Dr. Tarrasch succeeds in blunting through a timely return of material.
In our next game the doctor applies pressure in a French Defense, ultimately winning a pawn, and later scores the victory in a Rook endgame that, one suspects, the consulting partners might perhaps have defended better.
In our final offering, played contemporaneously with the preceding contest, the consulting team loses a pawn early on, but then puts up a stiff resistance, carrying the fight deep into the endgame before being forced to surrender.
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